Tips for a Stronger Work Team

Infinite-Strong-Work-TeamIt’s absolutely crucial to build a team at work that can trust each other. Depending on how strong the team is, success can only be reached when everyone is working together, and in a way that works. Cooperation is essential to making a great team, but there are also a lot of other things that go into making a work team the best they can be.

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Preach Commitment   Team members need to be in for it the whole long haul. They must commit to what the team believes in, and the standard of hard work that is expected from everyone. Make sure people consider the values of both the company, but also their own. Developing a vision and mission will align everyone on the team. Getting everyone on the same track early will save you from the headaches later.

Expect Contribution   Everyone needs to be pulling their weight on a team, and to stay responsible for it. Make sure everyone is playing to their strengths, and taking care of the things that they are good at. Preach confidence that they are doing a great job as much as possible Be sure to keep past successes fresh in their minds, and hold everyone to the same standard.

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Practice Diversity   A great team is made up of people from different places, and has had many different experiences. A team made up of diverse people will be able to handle more situations, and be able to offer more options. This is what builds a great team; when people who do not have much in common can come together for a common goal.

Think Critically   Teamwork can’t be built without its team members contributing their ideas to better the team. By promoting thinking critically, team members can figure out solutions to problems on their own, and grow stronger. When they are able to work it out with the rest the team, they will only grow closer and stronger.

5 Steps to A Greener Office


Flickr CC via City of York Council UK

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The green movement has opened people’s minds to making an effort to look out for the environment. Young people all over the country want to work for a company that is socially responsible, and willing to go to lengths to make a positive impact on the ecosystem. Here are a few tips you can take at your office to make it greener:

Make Thinking Green a Mindset

If you really want to have a green office, you must be able to think green and make an effort to do so. Without the right mindset, you will not find much success. Realize how important the steps to going green are, and how your contribution to the environment will benefit both employees and customers.

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Start a Recycling Program

Many business offices just throw everything away, and don’t care about reusable energy. Create a recycling program that your employees can use, including sorting waste into paper, cardboard, glass, and plastic bottles. Even food can be sorted into compost. Many of the items we use on a daily basis are reusable. Make an effort to limit trash and garbage.

Conserve Energy in Office

Electronics and appliances use energy even when we’re not present. Turn off anything you’re not using when you leave for the day. Make sure the lights are off before you leave the office. Shut down all computers and monitors. You can also switch all light bulbs to fluorescent, which use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs.

Stick to Paperless Activity

The printer should only be used sparingly. Promote using email for announcements and company updates. Even invites to company parties or lunch can be done through mobile apps like Twitter or Facebook. Sign up for direct deposits so paychecks don’t have to be printed.

Promote Traveling Green

Before even getting to the office, employees can start getting green by avoiding driving themselves to work. Carbon dioxide is emitted by cars, and contributes to greenhouse gases, hurting the environment. There are many alternatives, including taking the train or bus, or even car-pooling with a coworker. If coworkers can ride their bike to work, make it worth their while with a rewards program. This in turn, will also cut down on traffic.

There are many different steps to take to make your office greener. Only you can be the person to get this train moving!

How to Motivate Yourself at Work


Flickr CC via Stmpjmpr

We are Infinite, a business consulting and direct marketing firm dedicated to success and client satisfaction.

If you are starting to feel drained at work and have low motivation, then it is time for a change. Success takes time – sometimes longer than expected. Having things not go as planned can sometimes result in feeling down or unmotivated, but if you want to succeed, you have to keep up the good work.

Here are a few steps to get motivated:

Define Your Purpose

Why are you working in this field or at this company? Remind yourself again of why you chose to do this and the difference you make at work every day. If your work feels mundane, think of it on a different level. Are you making a difference in a co-worker’s life? Is this job getting you where you need to be?

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Define Your Goals

It’s important to define your overall goals. Where do you want to be in 5 years? How is this job going to help get you there? What do you need to do differently to achieve this goal? Think about how your current company can help you reach these goals. This will make it easier to be motivated while at work, even if you don’t love the job.

Create Short-Term Goals

While your overall goal may be to start a business or be promoted – think about your current short-term goals. Do you want to increase readership on a client’s blog? Get a raise? Come across as more confident in meetings? Whatever it may be, create some short-term goals for yourself that will motivate you to improve every day.

Start Now

Success doesn’t happen overnight; it takes work. Now is the time to start working. Begin working towards your short-term and long-term goals today. Every day at work remind yourself of these goals and what you need to do to get there.